Monday, September 6, 2010

Have you opened the wrong doors?

I asked the Lord, a couple days ago about a situation that I have been dealing with and His quick decisive answer was "The witch of Endor" If you know about Saul, you know that he called on a medium when he wasn't getting the anwers he wanted from God. There are many people who want to walk in the power of God, but aren't willing to put in the face time with Him in order to have enough of Him to have the overflow of His power in their lives. Therefore, they take "the easy route" and call on a medium or some other nonsense in order to get through a specific ordeal that they are going through. They don't realize that this is not the easy way. When you walk in the ways of darkness, your path just gets darker. It is kind of like when Drs. prescribed leeching. The bugs sucked some blood out of a patient and they felt better for a while. But, then their life blood was sucked out of them. Whenever you make any pact no matter how insignificant it may seem, with the enemy, he will suck your lifeblood out of you. You cannot get ahead by siding with the evil one, no matter what temporary relief you may think you are getting.
If you have had any dealings with the enemy, you must repent and turn from them. You are opening dark doors for yourself and your future generations. Take a moment and pray this prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, please forgive me for opening these doors either purposefully, or mistakenly. I ask you to cover me and my family with the blood of Jesus and slam shut the doors that I have opened. Place a hedge of the blood of Jesus around my family and all those who I have an association with. I ask you to fill us with the Holy Spirit to overflowing so that there is no room for the evil one or his minions to have any foothold in my life. I give my life completely to you. Thank you Lord for your redemption.

There are many ways that we can open our lives up to the enemy, including: Horoscopes, tarot cards, palm reading, automatic writing, seance, new age cleansing ceremonies etc. If you are involved with these things, you must repent, turn completely away from them and rely on the Lord for any spiritual insights that you need. He will lead you and guide you every where you need to go. If you want information that He is not giving you, you don't need the information.