Tonight as I was washing my face, I was reminded of something that happened today. Greg and I were taping at TBN. We arrived at the studio around 12:30, signed consent forms in the green room, visited with Orlena, Cindy and Cheryl about how the show would look and what things we felt like the Lord was saying. About 30 or 40 minutes later we walked out onto the set, got miked, stood in one spot for quiet a while until the camera crew and the remaining team were ready to roll. Then, 3-2-1, we launched into the hour long interview, which certainly goes by so quickly that it is amazing. Then I left the platform and Greg did another quick 15 minute segment with Cheryl about the upcoming events she has in store for Arizona. This quick segment probably took about 30 minutes by time all the roll ins and outs and delays were done. We then proceeded to film approximately 10, 15 second greetings for TBN. One for each holiday of this and the coming year. These are filmed with a green screen back drop, so I am assuming they will place us in all sorts of exotic locales throughout the year! It will look like we always wear the same clothes, but thats part of the fun right?
Anyway, I say all that to say this. It takes a while to tape a program. The entire team was at the studio way before we were. They were setting up, checking lights, sound etc. for hours before we arrived. Today was an "off day" for filming, so many of the people were there working on this project when they most likely had some other work to do. When the project was wrapped for the day, I was walking down the studio hallway and one of the camera men was walking in the hallway at the same time. He had been on the camera the farthest from the door and was to me, the least visible person in the studio. As I walked near him, I said 'thank you." He seemed slightly startled for a second and then proceeded to thank me as well.
As this moment in time was brought to my remembrance, I felt the need to share with you, my dear readers, this question........
Who are you when the "important people' are not in the room? The slightly startled expression on the camera man's face gave me the impression that to most people that he films, he is not one of the important people, and even in this distinctly Christian environment, he is most likely, quite frequently over looked. Who are you when the "important people" are not in the room? I know how easy it is to over-look the people who are in the trenches really making things happen. Who are you when the maintenance man walks by, who are you when the dental tech is the only one in the room with you, who are you when the cashier rings up your groceries, who are you when the usher hands you a bulletin at church, who are you when your spouse or children are the only ones around?
Matt 25:30 When you have done it to the least of these my bretheren, you have done it unto me.
Do me a favor. Thank our camera men, our ushers, our kiosk team, or one of our many workers this weekend at church and carry out that mandate throughout your week. You will bless someone's life and your own in a way that you may never understand.
Be blessed, my friends.
Wow...I just sent an e-mail yesterday with a request but in the e-mail I felt the need to say thank you to Pastor Philip and his team. I don't know who they are but I do know it is a job that mistakes are quickly noticed and people do not hesitate to comment, but not as quick to say thank you.
ReplyDeleteTraveling throughout Arizona at various places I am always searching for those that stand out (family members-brother's & sisters-in Christ). There has only been one place in three years where I could recognize my brother. He was set-up displaying K-Love but I didn't know it at the time. I kept telling my husband now that is a Christian. He stood out to me because he was busy helping everyone carry bricks to hold down their tents because the wind was blowing. A labor of love.
You are so awesome.
U looked sooo lovely yeaterday!!! Gods was all over ur face!!! I want to thank u for being the Godly influence in the lives of so many. U r truly who we see no matter where u r, ur life is an example for all to inspire to be. We love u and Pastor Greg so much and am so thankful we have Pastors to sit under and be taught. I thank God that He has allowed us to be teachable and He allows us to be even a small part of the Body of Christ! Be blessed my friend
ReplyDeleteWho am I? "Insignificant." says the liar. "Great in His kingdom!" shouts truth. When I sit at the computer doing the EZWorship (media), I have to make a choice to worship with the people. I make a choice to be "great in His kingdom, to further advance His kingdom, to encourage myself in the Lord..." Honestly, I'd rather be up there with the crowd worshiping but someone once said to me: "Rose, what you do at service is so vital to the ministry. What would we do if we didn't have the words to follow during worship? How can we understand a sermon if we don't have a visual of it?..." That is who I am. I am just another child of God contributing what I know and I love it!!! Thank you for these reflective questions, Dawn. Love ya, my friend.